North Chu Lai IZ: Strong Advancement, Growth Motivation for Eastern Tam Ky City

9:54:15 AM | 25/5/2020

North Chu Lai Industrial Zone (IZ) is the "backbone" and is one of 5 IZs of Chu Lai Open Economic Zone (OEZ). This place is gradually creating an important position in attracting investment. To better understand this achievement, Vietnam Business Forum had an interview with Mr. Nguyen Van Chung, Chairman of the Board of Directors - Director of Chu Lai IZ Infrastructure Development Company Limited (CIZIDCO).

With the efforts of CIZIDCO, Bac Chu Lai IZ has strengthened investment attraction, reaching a high occupancy rate. Could you share more specifically about this?

North Chu Lai IZ was established under Decision 43/QD-TTg, from 2002 to 2008, the IZ was invested by Chu Lai OEZ Management Board. Since September 1st, 2008, Chu Lai IZ Infrastructure Development Company (now CIZIDCO) has been assigned as the investor of the technical infrastructure. The industries attracting investment here are manufacturing mechanical products, electricity, electronics, construction materials, manufacturing and processing products from wood, rubber, plastic, handicrafts, textile and garment, manufacturing motor transformer, agricultural machinery and auto parts. Although there are many difficulties, for more than 11 years since its establishment, Bac Chu Lai IZ has invested in infrastructure and its investment promotion has achieved many unexpected results. Phase 1 is filled with investors; Phase 2 has compensated for ground clearance of 125/184.5 hectares, leveling to create clean ground of about 64 hectares and leasing 16.7 hectares. Up to now, Bac Chu Lai IZ has attracted 27 projects, including 8 FDI projects with an invested capital of $US 88.68 million and about 50% of registered capital has been disbursed, 19 domestic projects with registered investment capital of VND 4,874 billion and 77% of registered capital disbursed, creating jobs for more than 6,000 workers. The investment implementation is in accordance with the committed schedule, the production and business activities of enterprises have developed stably, the environment and security situation in the IZ are always ensured.

Tam Thang IZ is considered the second breakthrough of CIZIDCO in Tam Ky city. So what impressive highlights have been created here?

Starting construction in March 2015 with a total area of 197 hectares, so far Tam Thang IZ has become a bright spot to attract domestic and FDI investments. It is almost a "thematic" IZ prioritizing textile and garment industry, supporting the textile and garment as well as the automotive engineering industries, and has really exploded with large investment projects, which are expected to create a new breakthrough for the eastern region of Tam Ky, having the opportunity to participate in the global value chain of textile and automotive engineering industry. Accordingly, Tam Thang IZ has invested in infrastructure and the investment promotion has achieved many unexpected results. Specifically, it has completed the land acquisition of more than 154 hectares, the infrastructure investment has reached 90% and 101 of 160 hectares of industrial land has been leased. Up to now, Tam Thang IZ has 23 registered investment projects (including 5 projects of renting workshops of secondary investors), of which 19 FDI projects with a total registered capital of about $US 510 million and about $US 236 million has been disbursed and 4 domestic projects with a total registered investment capital of about VND 338.6 billion and VND 157 billion has been disbursed. 19 projects have been granted investment registration certificates (15 projects are in operation, 3 projects are under construction and 1 project is in the process of applying for construction permit) and 4 projects are applying for an Investment Registration Certificate; creating jobs for 10,000 workers (including about 130 foreign workers).

The issue of perfecting the Green - Clean - Beautiful infrastructure system is a key point, an opportunity to increase investors in terms of "quality" and "quantity". What do you think about this issue?

It is certain that completing the infrastructure in a green - clean - beautiful way will be an impressive attraction, the first factor for investors to look for. So I and the Management Board have made efforts to promote compensation for ground clearance; completing basic infrastructure of North Chu Lai IZ in phase 2, deploying the investment project on trading infrastructure of expanded Tam Thang IZ. As for Tam Thang IZ, we are urgently completing procedures to continue investing in Tam Thang Resettlement Area in phase 2, in order to serve the compensation for the ground clearance here. This is accompanied with advising to solve the existing problems and continue investing in the effective exploitation of Tay An Ha Quang Phu Residential Project. We are striving to exceed the financial targets, properly, fully and promptly fulfilling the obligations to the State, preserving and developing capital, contributing to the development of Chu Lai OEZ and the socio-economic development of the province.

Not only that, CIZIDCO always proactively enhances cleaning and tending the trees to make sure that the IZs are green, clean, beautiful and environmentally friendly. At the same time, it has kept maintaining and repairing damaged and degraded infrastructure, periodically dredging rainwater and wastewater drainage systems in the IZs. It has continued to closely monitor the situation of environment, security and order in the IZs, operating stably the collection and treatment system of wastewater in accordance with the regulations. Typically, in North Chu Lai IZ, a centralized wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 1,900m3/day has been built (in stable operation since 2013). Just like in Tam Thang IZ, all the treated wastewater meeting the prescribed standards is collected and brought to the reused water treatment plant and re-supplied to manufacturing enterprises. In particular, we always determine to attract investment meeting the criteria, not spreading but with selectiveness, such as choosing projects from big companies and corporations having brands in the garment market. By the way, I would like to express my gratitude to investors, units which have been interested in the IZs invested by the Company and the services provided by our Company. For CIZIDCO, "Partner's success is our own success". From the strong development and vision of integration, CIZIDCO will always open the direction of business and strive to create a friendly environment, becoming a sustainable "companion" for enterprises.

Thank you very much!

Source: Vietnam Business Forum