Expanding Application of Scientific and Technological Innovations

11:25:41 AM | 20/8/2024

Bac Kan province’s scientific and technological efforts have closely aligned with local economic and political priorities, effectively addressing urgent issues. Recent research and applications have played an important role in shaping development, restructuring the economy, advancing agricultural and rural modernization, and harnessing local production potential. Mr. Nguyen Dinh Diep, Director of the Department of Science and Technology, Bac Kan province, gives an interview on this aspect to our reporter.

The application of advanced science and technology has significantly diversified and enhanced the range of agricultural and forestry products, including the local fragrant green pumpkin

Could you tell us about recent remarkable scientific and technological results?

The science and technology sector continues to advise on perfecting relevant mechanisms and policies. Specifically, it drafted two action programs of the Provincial Party Committee: Draft Action Program of the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee for implementation of Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW on intellectual force in the new context and Draft Action Program No. 24/CTr-TU dated September 11, 2023 for implementation of Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW of the Politburo on biotech development and application for the country's sustainable development in the new situation. It counselled the issuance of legal documents: Resolution No. 04/2024/NQ-HDND dated March 28, 2024 of the Provincial People's Council on budget estimation for scientific and technological tasks funded by the state budget in Bac Kan province; Decision No. 35/2023/QD-UBND dated December 22, 2023 of the Bac Kan Provincial People's Committee on regulations on coordination of authorities in local technology management.

The 2023 administrative reform index of the Department of Science and Technology is rated good, ranked 5th out of 19 departments. The departmental competitiveness index ranked 3rd in the province. The personnel organization and apparatus have been reformed to have better work. The department issued a revised certificate of name, leader and field of operation to the Center for Science and Technology and Innovation. The agency continued to monitor the activities of local scientific and technological organizations.

Bac Kan Science and Technology Council: Reporting on its performance results in 2023 and its directions and tasks for 2024; developing its work agenda for 2024; working with agencies and localities on the implementation of Directive No. 24 and basic science and technology; assigning its members to work in eight districts, cities and two departments on basic science and technology and complete notifications and reports on work performance.

Application and replication: Completing the synthesis and reporting on the management and application of topics and projects launched from 2017 to present to serve the Supervisory Delegation of the Provincial People's Council; handing over topics and projects for acceptance in 2023 - 2024 to maintain and scale up.

Measurement and quality standards management: Continuing to implement the Project "Applying and managing the traceability system according to Decision No. 100/QD-TTg dated January 19, 2019 of the Prime Minister" according to Decision No. 1633/QD-UBND dated September 9, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee. During the year, 14 organizations and individuals were supported (or 117% of the plan) to update data in accordance with Vietnamese standards on traceability (building, applying and managing traceability systems). Specifically, the department supported 140,000 QR codes and 28,000 QR code stamps for 14 units.

Information and communication: Being carried out in many forms and with rich content; maintaining the operation of the website of the Department of Science and Technology, regularly updating news, articles and photos for the website to proliferate Party and State policies and laws and propagate major anniversaries in the year; providing news and articles for the Department of Propaganda and Education under the Provincial Party Committee to post on the Party building newsletter; coordinating with Bac Kan Radio and Television to produce 26 out of 48 communication issues on science and technology on radio and television.

Intellectual property, innovations and innovative startups have produced some impressive results. Nine products with geographical indications and collective trademarks have been protected. The department reported on the Provincial Innovation Index (PII) 2023 of Bac Kan to the Provincial People's Committee; and submitted a project on PII improvement in 2024 and beyond to the Provincial People's Committee.

Scientific and technological application, service and transfer outperformed. In mushroom production, the department produced 180 kg of mushroom seeds to supply mushroom growers, tended 2,000 bags of commercial oyster mushrooms; maintained tissue culture bags; and cared for orchid gardens. It grew spring-summer melons in 2024 (110 roots); maintained and expanded Lingzhi and Yunzhi mushroom models; maintained, developed and applied biological products in production and life in 2024; ensured quality and standard testing and measurement.

Scientific and technological service revenue soared 167.4% in 2023 (VND586 versus VND350). The revenue was VND240 million in the first six months of 2024, equal to 53.4% of the full-year plan.

How have scientific and technological tasks closely adhered to reality and practically served production and life?

Carrying out the resolution of the 12th Provincial Party Congress (2020 - 2025 term), the science and technology sector advised the Provincial People's Committee to deploy consistent solutions and obtained important achievements. The deployed tasks have closely followed local socioeconomic development orientations and promptly addressed urgent issues. Many applied research results have created momentum and served as a basis for economic restructuring and effective utilization of local potential advantages (over 60% of tasks).

In 2024, the Department of Science and Technology has advised on the administration of 35 topics and projects (28 transitional ones and seven new ones), including 30 provincial topics and projects and five national ones. The tasks have been implemented on schedule, with strategy ensured. When the tasks are in place, emerging issues are promptly handled. Some research results have contributed to people's income improvement and socioeconomic development.

In particular, the department has focused on developing specialty crops and initially formed concentrated commercial production areas. Shan Tuyet tea in Cho Don and Cho Moi districts is currently processed to turn out black tea, white tea, and “hook” tea that are popular in the market. The area of fragrant green squash in Ba Be district was gradually expanded to 220 ha over the years by 2022. In addition, chestnut in Ngan Son district has initially affirmed its effectiveness and the district has directed the area expansion. The department tested some new suitable midland tea varieties with known good quality. The agency piloted VH6 pear on 3 ha at first and on over 20 ha now in Ngan Son district. The experimental model of Dien pomelo was launched in Cho Moi district. It also restored and selected some indigenous varieties like Tai sticky rice in Ba Be district, Khau Nua Pai sticky rice in Cho Don district, black canarium in Cho Moi district and peach in Cho Don district. It has also applied science and technology to produce and process medicinal mushroom products (Yunzhi mushroom and Lingzhi mushroom) and banana-based products (banana wine, banana vinegar and dried banana).

Given its achievements, what should the science and technology sector do in the next period?

The Document of the 12th Provincial Party Congress (2020 - 2025 term) continues to affirm the important role of science and technology as a leverage for socioeconomic development. The key task in the term is “promoting advanced scientific and technological research and application into production practices to improve productivity and product quality.” Bac Kan province is known to have advantages in land resources, climate and rich plant genetic resources for ecological agricultural development for domestic consumption and for export. The province is endowed with many scenic spots to develop tourism. As a result, the sector defines that enhancing scientific and technological application together with innovation is an important task, with emphasis placed on the main directions as follows:

First, applying science and technology to improve the quality of potential agricultural and forest products, creating input sources qualified for supplying the processing industry and prioritizing products for tourism development.

Second, accompanying and supporting innovation companies, improving merchandise quality; supporting establishing intellectual property, building labels, registering barcodes, tracing the origin to improve competitiveness and boosting export.

Third, focusing on research and transfer of processing technologies to create products for the value chain, sharpen competitiveness and enhance work performance to businesses and people.

Fourth, improving and raising the Provincial Innovation Index (PII) in 2024 and the following years.

Fifth, advising on the management, use and promotion of the effect and value of products protected by geographical indications and collective trademarks.

Thank you very much, sir!

By Duy Binh, Vietnam Business Forum